Wednesday, October 29, 2008

New Kids on the Block, Part one: Kansas City Blues

DSMBA became the 6th owner of the franchise in as many years this offseason. After opening with a 5-year run in Detroit where the team won 3 division titles and made the playoffs 4 times, sportsnut sold the team and it was relocated to Buffalo. But Buffalo was too cold and the team was taken to Chicago. But Chicago was also too cold so the team was taken to Montreal (doesn't make much sense). Finally, with DSMBA at the helm, this well-traveled franchise has landed in Kansas City.

So why Kansas City? Well could there possibly be a good reason. At least it's as far south as the team has ever been. Some initially squabbles about sharing the stadium with the Kansas City Wiz have been resolved, and the BBQ's will be fired up for Opening Day.

So more importantly, why the Blues? Well, the Kansas City Blues has been the name to several sports franchise. In fact, Dallas Cowboys and Washington Senators (later the Minnesota Twins) can both trace their origins to franchises from KC known as the Blues. Minor league basebal land hockey franchises have also used the name. But these Kansas City Blues are actually known for their music.

While better known for it's Jazz, Kansas City also has a vibrant Blues culture. Team owner DSMBA is a silent partner in the Kansas City Musicians Foundation. So who cares? Well, nearly every drunk in KC does. You see, the KCMF has immunity from the town's liquor laws and sells booze all night long. This market advantage has allowed dsmba to amass a small fortune, which he has used to acquire this traveled (if not storied) franchise.

Team manager Abraham McMillon is very worried. You see the Blues players have been known to spend a late night or two on the town. McMillion, who managed the Las Vegas franchise last season, has seen the impact a lack of sleep and an overabundance of booze can have a team (witness Francis Bird's implosion last year). "If these guys think they can roll in at 5 am and still win, they're dead wrong. We're enforcing a strict 3 am curfew while the team is at home." Good Luck Abraham!

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