From St. Louis to Kansas City to San Diego to Colorado Springs back to St. Louis to Albuqueque and now finally to Arizona (Phoenix), few franchise have moved as many times as the Isotopes. The franchise has gotten so good at moving, the

front office is actually located in a series of inter modal containers that can be loaded onto trucks (as with the recent move to Arizona), Ships, or even trains (as was the case for the KC - San Diego, and Colorado - St. Louis moves. The conainters are filled with the latest technology enabling 'Tope GM and owner, uustal to keep up with the latest comings and going in HBD (see left for picture of the GM's "mobile office" along with his assitant GM, Bonnie Barstow and his belove Trans Am).
The team nomadic history is not surprising given it's name. Rumors have long s

wirled that the team's facilities are powered by an as-yet unidentified source. WCM has obtained a photo of what alleges to be the team's power source. You can find it to the right. In each city at which the team has stopped, a single-high ranking official has been given access to the team's facility. 5 of the previous 6 city officials have developed a mysterious illness. uustal calls it pure coincidence, but protestors are already approaching the team's facility in Phoenix and demanding the tea

m move elsewhere.
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